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Frequently Asked Questions
 CQ-ECCE stands for Confederation for Quality in Early Childhood Care and Education. It is a nationwide initiative aimed at improving the quality of early childhood education in India by accrediting preschools, daycare centers, and other early education service providers.
Preschools certified by CQ-ECCE have undergone a rigorous quality audit to ensure they meet high standards in areas such as child safety, teacher qualifications, curriculum, and overall learning environment. Choosing a certified preschool gives parents peace of mind that their child is receiving the best possible care and education.
 Members of CQ-ECCE gain access to a wide range of resources, including quality audits, training programs, workshops, networking opportunities, and promotional support. Membership also enhances the credibility of your institution and helps ensure that you meet the highest standards in early childhood education.
CQ-ECCE certification is valid for a certain period, typically one year. You will need to undergo a re-evaluation process for renewal to ensure continued compliance with quality standards.
To apply for CQ-ECCE accreditation, visit our website and submit the required application. Our team will then assess your institution’s quality based on several parameters and guide you through the certification process.
While CQ-ECCE primarily focuses on preschools, we also offer accreditation for daycare centers, after-school programs, play areas, children’s activity centers, and other early childhood education services.
You can contact us through our website, by email at
Yes! Parents, educators, and other stakeholders in early childhood care can join CQ-ECCE as members to advocate for high-quality early education, participate in training sessions, and stay informed about the latest developments in the field.
CQ-ECCE conducts thorough quality audits of accredited centers, focusing on various aspects such as curriculum, teacher training, child safety, health and nutrition, and more. Centers are required to maintain high standards to retain their certification.
 CQ-ECCE aims to raise the overall quality of early childhood care and education across India. By setting high standards and encouraging institutions to meet them, CQ-ECCE helps improve early childhood development outcomes, ensuring a brighter future for the next generation